Monday, August 27, 2012


At one time or another affiliate marketing is one of those things we all need. The real question is how reliant you are on other people affecting your success. Let's look a little closer at that statement. 

I have seen people hang out in affiliate marketing forums for years and never progress in their business. When you ask them how many visitors they are getting to their website and the reply is something like 5 or 10 visitors a day. 

There really is no excuse for that if you are serious about a building an affiliate marketing business. In reality this is what's really happening to that person.

They are not very serious about building their business, or they are not taking any of the help that is being offered to them. 

Another example of affiliate marketing help gone badly is the person who cannot make a decision on their business without being counseled on it. These are people who come to the forums and post questions that are so elementary you wonder how they been in business for several months now. 

We do have a saying that there is no such thing as a dumb question as it pertains to affiliate marketing. However, sooner or later you must take responsibility for your own success and used to help you are receiving the benefit your business. 

Now let's look at a few success stories. For example there are people who come to discussion forums looking for marketing help but never ask any questions. 

The chances of these people succeeding is greater because they absorb the information and then apply it to their business. If they do have a question they will ask it and process the answer. Then again they will work it into their business in the best way possible. 

If you are a paid member of an affiliate marketing membership site you may feel that you have the right to ask any question you want. Chances are you will get a good answer and will not be made fun of. 

However over a period of time you will be held responsible for moving your business forward and using the advice given. 

Is this a big problem? It probably is because Internet businesses still fail at a higher rate than they should. 

People doing affiliate marketing are going to need help as they advance their business. There certainly is nothing wrong with that. However the key is to take the affiliate marketing help you are given and handle it properly so that you can benefit your business from it.

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